
Rockport, Massachusetts, July 1999

I step inside a late 1990s photograph—no, not a Polaroid     with its hallucinated wash of color— Making my grand entrance in the diaphanous light     navy horizons darker than any of my native...

Five Poems

Dear Person You Think You Are Ask the person you think you are if she needs to lie down on...


The elevated words of sorrow the priest says in the church seem to comfort some whose losses are private and probably immeasurable. If you...

Train Overflowing

One man dug into the last seat as though to disappear & I didn’t know my husband was dying Lovers returned...

Death of James Dean

The one who is rarely, if ever, discussed is Donald Gene Turnupseed, the driver who collided with James Dean on the 13th...

Rockport, Massachusetts, July 1999

I step inside a late 1990s photograph—no, not a Polaroid     with its hallucinated wash of color— Making my grand entrance in the diaphanous light     navy horizons darker...

Five Poems

Dear Person You Think You Are Ask the person you think you are if she needs to lie down on this couch, still firm after so many...


The elevated words of sorrow the priest says in the church seem to comfort some whose losses are private and probably immeasurable. If you pour a beer into the evening surf, nobody...

Train Overflowing

One man dug into the last seat as though to disappear & I didn’t know my husband was dying Lovers returned to conversation left mid-sentence and who was real...

Death of James Dean

The one who is rarely, if ever, discussed is Donald Gene Turnupseed, the driver who collided with James Dean on the 13th of September in ’55. The sun was in...

Independence Day

Blue tile set in white grout cools my bare legs, each neat square an island in want of a harbor. Half clothed, I sit against white porcelain, painting my big toe. She opens the...