vulnerability, the way you like it (me)

I peel                                         the orange
because you sighed
                        at my request
        for you
              your hands
                        gently ripping me apart

I peel                                        the skin
                                bruised –
                                blood under the skin
                am I that sour?
        I shed
                I molt
                        I leave myself behind
                                I am the pulp under
                                your nails
                I linger
                        I scratch        
                                        I beg

I peel                                         the orange
        tasting my own bitter sweetness
                        I am a paradox, a complication
                                summarize me
                                pity me
                I’ll let you lick my wounds
                even if you bite
        take me back
        take me back
        back across the river styx
                                I’m lost under this skin now
                                condemned to peel it away
        this time in a bus the color I wanted
                to paint my bedroom when I was nine
        when we shared the taste of

I peel                                         the orange
        take my slice
        I miss your sour sweetness
                under you
                        I was always tasted
                                your gentle tongue
                                your sharpened teeth
                you always had your way
                        the way you liked it
                        the way I could never refuse
        peel my sins away

I peel                                         my orange

                it will always be me

Cash Bruce
Cash Bruce
Cash Bruce is a first-year student at UC Riverside from Corona, California. He co-founded and served as vice president of his high school’s literary magazine, and is now seeking to write for himself. He enjoys frequenting the cinema, reading what others have to say, and expanding his vinyl collection. He believes that everything he writes is tongue-in-cheek.


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