Shadows Sonance

The sobbing wail
        of a baby …

Or perhaps the cries
        of a queen in heat

~  ~  ~

The deep song
        of some night bird

too-wee, too-wee, too-wee-wee-wee

Or the warning whistle
        of passing sentries

Lorraine Caputo
Lorraine Caputo
Lorraine Caputo is a documentary poet, translator, and travel writer. Her works appear in over 400 journals on six continents and in 23 collections of poetry, including “In the Jaguar Valley” (dancing girl press, 2023) and “Caribbean Interludes” (Origa- mi Poems Project, 2022). She also authors travel narratives, articles, and guidebooks. Her writing has been honored by the Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada in 2011 and nominat- ed for Best of the Net. Caputo has done literary readings from Alaska to the Patagonia. She journeys through Latin Ameri- ca with her faithful travel companion, Rocinante (that is, her knapsack), listening to the voices of the pueblos and the earth.



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