When Longitude and Latitude Collude

To have or to evoke emotion, how ya gonna keep us, Baba Ram Dass, after we’ve
achieved the speed of light. Be not amused, be not afraid, the hateful agent says,
and we are not amused and we are not afraid.

If it’s not flaming chainsaws it’s not juggling, i.e., sensibility be delicate or be no
sensibility at all. Each glitch is elevated to an obstacle. Alternatively, every
character is Ronald Reagan calling for a bloodbath days before Kent State.

I’d rather be expendable than on reconnaissance and meet myself, go in with
mixed emotions and come out with fleas. It’s less auspicious than I thought. It’s a
betrayal. No one knows how persecuted I’ve been,

no one knows but cheese and crackers. Now the call is coming from within the
cosmos. Compositions for four hands or for four hands and five pianos, in the
grievance loop the grievance, nurtured, grows.

Heikki Huotari
Heikki Huotari
Heikki Huotari attended a one-room school and spent summers on a forest-fire lookout tower. Since retiring from academia/mathematics, he has published poems in numerous journals and in five poetry collections and has won one book and two chapbook awards. His Erdős number is two.


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